Large scale disorder - Hamilton - Waikato
*"Large scale disorder - Hamilton - Waikato"*
About 2100hrs 06/09/2014 Police advised of a party in Tawa Street Hamilton which had an open invitation on face book. At 11.00pm the owners requested Police enter the property and assist in closing the party down.
There was approximately 500 in attendance mainly youth. Partygoers left and as they gathered on the street, started to throw bottles and other items at Police.
As the large group were moved on further bottles were thrown at Police, and several fights also broke out among the group.
police made a number of arrests for disorder, there was no injuries to Police.
Further disorder jobs were received from the area over the next two hours as various parts of the dispersed groups caused issues in the local environs.
Again alcohol played a large role in sheer quantity and the age of those drinking.
who supply alcohol to teens commit offences and if proven
will face the