Pūhoi – Warkworth RoNS granted final consent
Pūhoi – Warkworth RoNS granted final consent
The NZ Transport Agency welcomes the final decision from a Board of Inquiry to grant designation and resource consents for the construction of the Pūhoi to Warkworth stage of the Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance (RoNS).
The Board’s decision represents a significant step towards improving the safety, reliability and resilience of State Highway 1 between Northland and Auckland for freight, tourism and drivers, says the Transport Agency’s Highway Manager, Brett Gliddon.
Mr Gliddon said with the certainty provided by the BoI decision the Transport Agency would now give priority to considering the best means of procuring detailed design and construction of the project.
Construction is anticipated to begin between 2016 and 2019, with the project estimated to take five years to build.
More than 180 submissions, the majority in support of the project, were received on the Transport Agency’s proposal to build the 18.5km extension of the Northern Motorway (SH1) from the Johnstone’s Hill tunnels to just north of Warkworth.
“The Board of Inquiry has carefully considered the concerns of submitters and balanced those with our desire to give future constructors of the project flexibility to innovate and deliver the best solution for road users and the community, and provide value for money,” says Mr Gliddon.
The new motorway is
one of seven Roads of National Significance identified by
the Government as key to unlocking New Zealand’s potential
for economic growth.
For more information about the
project visit www.nzta.govt.nz/puhoi-wellsford. For
more information about the Board of Inquiry’s decision
visit http://www.epa.govt.nz/resource-management/puhoi/Pages/default.aspx.