Farmers Acknowledge Entrepreneur of the Year
6 September 2002 PR117/02
Farmers Acknowledge
Entrepreneur of the Year
Bill Gallagher is not only an outstanding businessman but also an enthusiastic advocate of trade liberalisation, says Federated Farmer's National Vice President Charlie Pedersen.
Mr Gallagher has recently been awarded Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
"Mr Gallagher has marched the world stage promoting trade liberalisation and is a key supporter of the Trade Liberalisation Network, said Mr Pedersen.
"The pioneer of the electric fence, Mr Gallagher's business is an integral part of the New Zealand farming operation.
"Through his own determination Mr Gallagher has over come regulatory and operational hurdles to develop very successful niche markets offshore.
"Mr Gallagher is a classic example of innovative and high-tech business opportunities that develop from the strength of New Zealand's agriculture sector."