Wholesale Trade Trend Continues Rise
Wholesale Trade Survey: September 2004 quarter
3 December 2004 Wholesale Trade Trend Continues Rise
The sales trend in the wholesale industry rose 1.5 percent in the September 2004 quarter, compared with the June 2004 quarter, according to Statistics New Zealand. This is the fourth consecutive quarter recording trend growth greater than 1 percent.
Seasonally adjusted sales increased 0.3 percent in the September 2004 quarter, compared with the June 2004 quarter. This follows increases of 3.3 percent and 1.9 percent in the June 2004 and March 2004 quarters, respectively.
Petroleum product wholesaling recorded the largest increase in seasonally adjusted sales in the September 2004 quarter, up $97 million. Motor vehicle wholesaling recorded the second largest increase, up $75 million. These increases were offset by a decrease in seasonally adjusted sales of primary product food wholesaling, down $230 million.
Between the end of September 2003 and the end of September 2004, the level of wholesale stocks rose by $489 million, to $8,433 million. The largest contributor to this rise was petroleum product wholesaling, up $158 million.
Brian Pink Government Statistician