Kiwi Sailing Duo Regain Lead at 470 World Champs
Kiwi Sailing Duo Regain the Lead at 470 World Championships
After 11 of the scheduled 14 races, kiwi duo Simon Cooke and Peter Nicholas hold a 3 point lead in the 470 World Championships In Italy.
3 races were sailed today, and two 4th placings were enough for Cooke and Nicholas to regain their overall lead. A 12-16 knot onshore breeze combined with large seas, provided close racing in the shifting conditions.
The kiwi pair lead Greece, with an Australian crew a further 9 points adrift in 3rd.
Two races are scheduled for tomorrow. The final race will be on Wednesday.
After 11 races kiwi crews are placed as follows: Men Simon Cooke/Peter Nicholas 1st Andrew Brown/Jamie Hunt 28th Stephen Keen/Philip Keen 35th
Women Shelley Hesson/Linda Dickson 18th
further results the official regatta website is: