International call for breakthrough creative ideas
MEDIA RELEASE : Tuesday 1 November, 2005
The Dowse launches international call for breakthrough creative ideas.
The Dowse, now closed for a major building development, is an organisation that increasingly defies labelling. Renowned both nationally and internationally for it’s innovative approach to exhibitions and events, The Dowse has now launched Create the future, an ambitious campaign aimed at building a database of people who want to achieve breakthrough creative projects.
The Dowse team are encouraging creative people to submit ‘just-imagine-if' concepts and proposals. These will be considered as part of the development of an exciting exhibition and events programme to launch the ‘new’ Dowse in February 2007.
"Forget museum or gallery – think 21st century creative hub", says director Tim Walker. "The Dowse is all about the power of creativity to make a difference across all sectors of society. As we prepare for 2007 we have decided to cast a very wide net in New Zealand and internationally. With Create the future we are offering to act as a broker, to match up creative people’s great ideas with funding and business partners".
"The real breakthroughs in this century are going to come from people and agencies working together in creative partnerships. That’s going to take effective brokers, so we’re keen to take a lead in making the future happen."
The title of the campaign draws its inspiration from Alan Kay, inventor of Smalltalk, the inspiration and technical basis for the MacIntosh and subsequent windowing based systems. In 1971 noting that the world was changing at an increasingly fast rate, he said "the best way to predict the future is to invent it. Really smart people with reasonable funding can do just about anything…"
Create the future is an invitation for a wide range of local, national and international creative partners to register their interest in working collaboratively with The Dowse. From decorative arts to product design, from creative health initiatives to creative play environments for children, from the handmade to the manufactured, The Dowse sees the potential of the creative sector as being considerably larger than reflected in the traditional art gallery environment.
"We want to work with people who share our vision. If you are an artist or maker, a designer or producer, a creative individual or part of a collective we want to hear from you." Says Walker.
"If you work for a government agency, business, community group, tertiary institution, science and research centres, funding agency or an organisation committed to creativity and innovative solutions contact us!"
The ‘new’ Dowse, designed by Athfield Architects, (pictured above and left) will feature 60% more exhibition space, a stunning café and gallery store and a new approach to performance, business and community facilities. The Dowse operates New Zealand’s biggest touring exhibition programmes meaning the best of the Create the future projects will be seen all over the country.
To register for Create the future visit or call The Dowse on 04 570 6500