Netball Central Zone encourages coaches to keep it current
Netball Central Zone encourages coaches to keep it current
22 September 2015
Netball Central Zone will be holding a series of comprehensive workshops called ‘Keeping It Current’ in the lead-up to next week’s Netball New Zealand National Championships.
The weekend conference will be held at the ASB Sports Centre in Wellington, the venue for this year’s national championships. Netball Central Zone’s High Performance Manager Frances Solia is thrilled to be to offering delegates, from across the zone and beyond an opportunity to learn more about current ideas on how to coach for understanding.
“It’s quite exciting as the zone hasn’t hosted a two-day coaching workshop quite like this before. The sessions will be a combination of both theory and practical activities,” she explained.
Sandra Edge, Netball Central Zone’s Coach Development Officer, has also invited a number of high profile coaches to run individual skills sessions, including former Silver Ferns coach Leigh Gibbs who is talking about decision making on defence, Mojo Pulse Head Coach Tanya Dearns will be presenting a session on circle defence and Netball New Zealand National Training Manager Adrienne Morrin will share her thoughts on decision making on attack.
“It’s about encouraging players to make good decisions on attack and defence, but more importantly being able to make the right decision under pressure,” Solia said.
“The game has changed significantly over the last ten years, and coaching hasn’t necessarily moved on as quickly. The game is faster, the rules are very different, tactics now have to be adjusted to take these factors into account.
“The players are certainly bigger, fitter, stronger and can play for longer. The workshops will help our coaches to take these things into account and think about new alternative coaching strategies,” she added.
The weekend will begin with breakfast with Silver Ferns coach Waimarama Taumaunu, and also includes sessions with Kirsten Hellier, Halberg Coach of the Year 1997-1998, and Te Aroha Keenan who coached Mount Albert Grammar School to win this year’s National Secondary School Championship.
The Netball New Zealand National Championships (in association with Lion Foundation) are being held between Monday 28 September – Friday 2 October. Seven of the 17 teams are from the Netball Central Zone and include: Hawke’s Bay, Hutt Valley, Kapi Mana, Manawatu, Taranaki, Wanganui and Wellington.
For more information on the championships click here: