Desperate HuttWives
Desperate HuttWives
29TH NOV –
9th DEC 7.30pm (special 4pm Matinee on the
Hutt Old Boys Marist Rugby Club, Myrtle St, Lower
13th – 16th DEC 7.30pm
(special 4pm Matinee on the 16thth)
Hannah Playhouse, 12 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington
By Louise Proudfoot
by Geraldine Brophy
Hutt as a cultural hot bed?
Nextstage Theatre Artistic
Director Geraldine Brophy thinks so. She aims to show off
the Hutt at its best, with original theatre work made and
set in the Valley by Nextstage. This year she brought top
class NZ tours to the Hutt which she directed and acted in.
"Grumpy Old Women", "Four Flat Whites in Italy" and "The
Sound of Music" all enjoyed sell out
Nextstage Theatre Charitable Trust has been growing professional theatre for the local community for the past two years under the steady hand of local businesswoman, Sue Avison.
Geraldine sees an important part of their mission as the presentation of shows written and performed by Hutt Valley theatre practitioners. The Hutt has a long history of producing successful and notable names in our entertainment industry.
Geraldine Brophy is one of many who come from this diverse and supportive community. She believes in the value of keeping Hutt's arts whakapapa honoured. Assisting younger people who want careers in the Performing arts and establishing a healthy industry base here in the Hutt, is Nextstage's vision for contributing to this kaupapa.
With the kind support of local Petone Mitre 10, and in association with Hutt Old Boys Marist Rugby Club, Nextstage presents its Christmas production of Louise Proudfoot's "Desperate HuttWives".
Geraldine will be transforming the clubrooms into a temporary theatre. Who said sport and art can't mix? The use of this wonderful space and its bar facilities makes for a relaxed and fun evening in the Hutt.
Local actors, Tess Jamieson Karaha Hannah McKie Doornebosch, Jerome Chandrahasen and Tom Trevella are joined by Wellington's Liz Kirkman, Sabrina Martin and Alex Greig.
The play is set in Upper Hutt (but shopping in Lower Hutt), the HuttWives hold BBQs on their decks and hang their dirty laundry out to dry in an unsuspecting cul de sac!
Gleefully, they destroy their relationships with each
other and demand the impossible of their confused spouses.
Dressed with flair if not care, they can be seen for 11
performances only at the Hutt Old Boys Rugby Club or in town
for 4 performances at Hannah Playhouse. Come and join them
all as they snack on platters of brie and nibbles, and see
why they're really crackers. Order your own snacks, wash
them down with a cold beer or bubbles and you’ll enjoy a
fine evening of suburban nonsense with Nextstage's
"Desperate HuttWives."