Study for Free at Waiariki in 2004
Study for Free at Waiariki Institute of Technology in 2004
Secondary school students can study for free in 2004 thanks to the Waiariki Institute of Technology scholarships.
WIT is calling on students from 29 secondary schools within the Waiariki region to apply for scholarships for the 2004 academic year. Successful applicants will have their first year of studies on a Diploma or Degree programme paid.
To be eligible for the Waiariki Scholarships students from the chosen secondary schools in the region must enrol on one of the courses of study on the list of eligible programmes for 2004. Applicants are then assessed on the basis of commitment to study, academic ability, personality and financial need.
According to Pierre Buckleigh, one of last year’s scholarship winners who is now studying for a Bachelor in Computing Systems, “Winning a scholarship has been like winning lotto, but I didn’t even have to pay for the ticket! My school results weren’t great but I put some reference letters in my application from people who I had helped out with their computers which showed my interest and commitment to the subject.” The eligible study programmes attracting the scholarships are largely in Waiariki’s areas of strategic focus such as Tourism and Business, Forestry, Maori, Health and Social Sciences. Interested students have until 1 December 2003 to get their applications in to Secondary Schools Liaison Officer Althea Oldman. The successful applicants will be notified early in the academic year which starts in February 2004.
Terri-Lee West, another successful applicant for last year’s scholarship who is now studying for a Diploma in Hospitality Management says, “The teachers at Lakes High encouraged me to apply for the scholarship – I really didn’t think I’d get it – so my advice is ‘try it, you never know what might happen’!” Interested students should contact their secondary school careers advisors for information and an application form, or call 0800 WAIARIKI (924 274) to speak to the secondary school liaison officers. Further information can also be found on
Appendix – List of Eligible Schools:-
Edgecumbe College
Forest View High
John Paul College
Kawerau College
Area School
Opotiki College
Pio Pio
Putaruru High School
Reporoa College
Rotorua Boys’ High
Rotorua Girls’ High School
Rotorua Lakes High
Tauhara College
Taumarunui High School
Nui a Tia College
Te Kuiti High School
Te Kura Kaupapa
Maori a Ruatoki, Whakatane
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O
Hurunga, Rotorua
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Koutu,
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Ruamata, Rotorua
Puke High School
Te Whanau Apanui, Te Kaha
Wharekura O Huiarau, Ruatahuna
Tokoroa High
Tongariro High School
Trident High
Western Heights High School
Whakatane High