Parent Support Group meeting for Nov
Parent Support Group meeting for Nov
Learning & Behaviour
Charitable Trust NZ
P O Box 40-161
Upper Hutt
20th October 2005
Anyone that is interested
in creating a better place (Our Nation)
for our
Educationally Challenged – Gifted Children to succeed in
The people from our own district have contacted me, (the writer) to find out if there is a need for such a support group, to help create the place for those who need to share, time out, find help, resources, entitlements as parent of children/youth with challenges, with in the law for youth court an family court, the education that is by law their right that is not happening for them, we need all the positive help to encourage others to advocate for their rights, but they need a leader.
In all the research
(recently as June 2002 from the National Dyslexia Research
Foundation of America, I was the only New Zealander invited
& the Lexia IT Education Conference held in Boston, again
the only New Zealander invited) and lectures that have now
been given over the last few years, all the indicators are
very visible for our so called (high risk) low to medium
risk children, that are missed by all systems are those with
high intelligence, but very low academic skills (dyslexia
and those associated with it)
Our Minister of
Education still wishes for our children to suffer under a
system that fails them, are we going to sit by again an
other year or term of his office without being assertive, I
hope not.
Please come and join us on the 8th November,
together we can make a difference.
Professional Real
Estate, Cornwall St, lower Hutt – 7.00pm
This is also our new elected AGM
We are needing for 2 new
Trustees to join the group, and a treasurer, as ours has now
taken on a position within the Justice area and the hours do
not suit, therefore he is not able to have as much time to
devote as before. We also need a group of dedicated people
that will add to the already great team we have, including a
wonderful Charted Accountant. As the National Office we are
also responsible for the upkeep of the other 3 within the
North Island, and we are all volunteers.
We meet 4 times
a year.
I look forward to sharing with you.
Warm regards
Moira Buchanan
Founding Trustee
& Advocate