Cantabrians rate amongst the highest for gut disease
Cantabrians rate amongst the highest for gut disease
Thousands of New Zealanders live with gut disease that impacts their daily lives and ongoing health. Latest research however shows that Cantabrians are suffering more than most. “Gut disease conditions range from coeliac, irritable bowel disease, Chron’s disease, impaired liver function and bowel cancer.” says Canterbury based Bowel and Liver Trust General Manager Margaret Fitzgerald. “There are a number of contributing factors to Canterbury’s high rate of this disease, not least of all the fall-out from earthquake stress. Our organisation not only provides education around gut disease, we also raise funds for ground-breaking research into the diagnosis, management and treatment of gut disease. Canterbury is leading the way with new technology and equipment.”
Latest diagnostic equipment could give early indications of potential stomach, bowel and liver disease based on a simple breath analysis. The Bowel and Liver Trust will be demonstrating the machine’s potential on Wednesday 21 October at an event called ‘A Gutsy Fundraiser’ at Christchurch’s The Colombo Mall. A Free public seminar (limited spaces) will be run by leading Christchurch specialist Professor Richard Gearry and dietician Clarice Hebblethwaite.
Professor Richard Gearry MB ChB, FRACP, PhD will take us on a journey through the Gut and comment on exciting research into gut health that’s happening right here in Christchurch. (Richard is the Professor of Medicine at the University of Otago, Christchurch, and Consultant Gastroenterologist at Christchurch Hospital. He is Medical Director of the New Zealand Nutrition Foundation, Medical Advisor to Crohn’s and Colitis New Zealand, a member of the National Intestinal Failure Governance Group and a Trustee of the Bowel and Liver Trust, Canterbury.