February Hero Parade Not Possible
19 October 1999
The Hero Board of Trustees has announced today that a February Hero Parade is not possible. Sean Lofts and Anne Speir, co-Chairs of the Board, today announced plans for a late November 2000 date instead.
"After much consideration, it was decided unanimously that a Parade in February 2000 was unachievable," the Chairs said. "By moving the date, Hero is still able to organise a Parade in 2000, rather than facing the reality of not having a Parade at all. Why should Hero miss out on millenial celebrations due to fiscal restraints and unrealistic timeframes?"
"Previous Heroes have been praised for fabulosity, but have resulted in serious financial problems, which reflect not only on Hero but on the gay, lesbian and transgender communities as a whole. At the recent AGM, a motion from the previous Trust to wind up the Hero organisation was narrowly lost. Fiscal responsibility was at the core of that motion. The new Board was elected to ensure the future of Hero and to learn from the past."
The new Board has since that time been deliberating on the long-term viability of Hero. "The Board sees Hero as encompassing much more than just the Parade. Becoming a financially secure community based organisation is essential, one that can provide the leadership and a public face for the gay, lesbian and transgender communities."
"We cannot make any decision which would place the future of Hero in jeopardy, financial or otherwise. For far too long, the Hero organisation and those entrusted to its direction, have been vilified for their efforts to make decisions in what they believe will be in the best interests of the community. The current Trust wishes to take the time to secure long term relationships with sponsors, community groups, and those who it is supposed to represent. The Trust feels that moving the Parade to November allows the organisation time to concentrate on a strategic plan that is fiscally responsible, and enables time to re-connect with our communities."
"We have received proposals for alternative ways of holding the Parade in February. None of these are viable and none allow Hero to achieve its objectives."
"We have decided to hold a low cost "family"-based event in February tentatively called the Big Gay Out. This will essentially be a daytime pride celebration. The Trust in coming weeks will also release plans for an annual calendar of events, each with a different focus and opportunity to fundraise.
This Trust is fully committed to our communities realising a true sense of pride, not only in ourselves, but in Hero as well. Hero is a gift to New Zealand which, to everyone's benefit, the Trust must ensure continues into the future.
For further information contact Sean Lofts, 021-402-044, or Anne Speir On 09-360-2606
Michael Wilson
Privacy Act Consultant
O Box 47-541
phone 021-442200
email: mjwilson@clear.net.nz