Hawkins Confirms Pay To Train Policy
Police Minister George Hawkins confirmed in Parliament today that he thinks police recruits should pay for the privilege of being trained to be police, National's Police spokesperson Brian Neeson said today.
"It is widely acknowledged that we need police recruits that are a bit older and have some life experience. Mr Hawkins' policy will act as a disincentive for anyone with a family or a mortgage.
"Only this week Mr Hawkins boasted about the increase in Maori and Pacific Island recruits. Yet his pay for training policy will surely have a negative affect on these groups.
"The only recruits the police will be able to attract under Mr Hawkins' regime will be wet-behind-the-ear school-leavers with no life experience. They're the only ones who will be willing to run up a 'student' police debt.
"Mr Hawkins is continuing to deny that there is a cash crisis in the police. Rather than cutting corners in a crucial part of our police force he should start listening to the people on the ground.
"The Minister's scrooge-like attitude will leave the police in a state where they are undeniably under-funded.
"Mr Hawkins was pro-police before the election now he's become Minister he is enacting anti-police policies," Mr Neeson said.