Kedgley Lists Yet More Green Health Amendments
Kedgley Lists Yet More Green Health Amendments Expected Today
Health Bill further improved today
Substantial extra Green additions to the Public Health and Disability Bill are expected to be heard in the House today.
Green Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley says the amendments are:
Clause 17 * District Health Boards to foster community participation in health planning and for significant changes in health provision
* District Health Boards to promote the reduction of adverse social and environmental effects on the health of people and communities
* District Health Boards to promote integration of health services, especially primary and secondary health services
* New clause to reduce, with a view to eliminating, health outcome disparities between various population groups within New Zealand by developing and implementing services and programmes designed to raise their health outcomes to that of other New Zealanders
Clause 34 * Consultation undertaken by District Health Boards must be of the same standard as that required of local bodies under the Local Government Act
Clause 35 * District Health Boards to consult on their annual plans if there are significant policy changes contained in them
She said Green changes already gained in the health select committee relevant to today's debate are:
Clause 17 * Requirement that DHBs must exhibit a sense of environmental responsibility by having regard to the environmental implications of operations
* Requirement that DHBs investigate, assess and monitor any factors that may adversely affect the health status of their populations