Questions For Oral Answer Wednesday, 1 August 2001
Questions to Ministers
1. Dr the Hon LOCKWOOD SMITH to
the Prime Minister: Are media reports that she is making no
promises the Government will pick up all or any of the
Catching the Knowledge Wave conference's recommendations
correct; if so, does this represent the official Government
policy towards the conference?
2. RODNEY HIDE to the Minister of Finance: In light of his answer yesterday to question No 6, under what circumstances would the proposal for a "People's Bank" be abandoned?
3. TIM BARNETT to the Minister of Justice: Is he planning any legislative changes to the rules determining residency requirements for registration for voting?
4. Hon MURRAY McCULLY to the Minister of Broadcasting: In light of media reports that TelstraSaturn has withdrawn from the planned digital television partnership with Television New Zealand, what are the implications of this withdrawal for Television New Zealand and for New Zealand's ability to catch the knowledge wave?
5. HELEN DUNCAN to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): How does he intend ensuring that the tertiary education system responds to the need for economic and social development in New Zealand?
6. Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Minister for the Environment: How will delaying decisions on the recommendations from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Genetic Modification until 31 October help New Zealand catch the knowledge wave?
7. MARK PECK to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he received on the state of the New Zealand economy?
8. Hon TONY RYALL to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): Does the third Tertiary Education Advisory Commission report Shaping the Strategy contain any recommendations which would help New Zealand catch the knowledge wave; if so, which recommendations will he implement?
9. HARRY DUYNHOVEN to the Minister of Transport: What is the Government doing to ensure that the vehicles on New Zealand roads are safe?
10. ALEC NEILL to the Minister for the Environment: Does the Government intend to substantially amend the Resource Management Act to help New Zealand catch the knowledge wave; if not, why not?
11. Hon BRIAN DONNELLY to the Minister of Education: What is the estimated cost of the unpaid sabbatical leave provisions in the yet to be ratified primary teachers' collective agreement?
12. IAN EWEN-STREET to the Minister of Agriculture: How will the Government give effect to the commitment in the Government response to the report of the Primary Production Committee on its inquiry into organic agriculture in New Zealand that "Government agencies will continue to support the development of the organics sector" if genetically modified organisms were widely released into the environment?