Burton Puts Communism Ahead Of Democracy
ACT Finance Spokesman Rodney Hide said today he was sickened that Defence Minister Mark Burton marched out of a Select Committee that was in session in order to 'honour' the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
"He won't front up to our troops or airforce and 'honour' them.
"I was disgusted that Mr Burton found my questions regarding the 'People's Bank' so difficult that he had to run out after three minutes. That's the fourth time Mr Burton has run away from a Select Committee I've been at. The Minister shows complete contempt for the democratic process and Parliament holding Ministers to account.
"Mr Burton's disgusting excuse for running away was that he had to kow-tow to a Chinese General. Mr Burton may enjoy 'honouring' the butchers of Tienamen Square, but he needs to realise that we live in a democracy in New Zealand, and his responsibility is to the people that elected him.
"Mr Burton was in a rush to visit his friends at the Chinese embassy, yet surprisingly had time to launch a two-minute tirade at the Opposition before he left Select Committee.
"I am sickened to learn Mr Burton values the Chinese People's Liberation Army over his responsibilities as a Minister. But, come to think of it - given his contempt for Parliament, I can see why he may well want to 'honour' the Chinese 'People's Liberation Army'.
"Mr Burton is not fit to be a Minister," Mr Hide said.