Conservation Values Ahead Of Mining Land
Lee Praises Auckland Businessman For Putting Conservation Values Ahead Of Mining His Land
The Minister of
Conservation has praised Auckland businessman Rob Fenwick
for deciding to forego "a fortune in high-quality aggregate"
by putting the conservation values of his Waiheke land
ahead of mining the property.
Sandra Lee said she hoped Mr Fenwick's initiatives to covenant his 373 hectare block on Waiheke Island to protect it from being cleared for mining, and to allow a public walkway through his native bush, would inspire others to follow suit.
Ms Lee said while the government was keen to encourage every initiative to conserve New Zealand's unique biodiversity on private land, she was stunned by Mr Fenwick's generous gesture.
"I can only take heart that these public-spirited actions by a founder of the National Party's Blue Green group show that increasing numbers of New Zealanders share the vision of ensuring future generations will enjoy our conservation heritage."
The government last year announced an extra $37m expenditure to increase the funds available to protect and maintain biodiversity on private land through the Nature Heritage Fund, Nga Whenua Rahui and the QEII National Trust.
The funding was part of a comprehensive $187m five-year package to support the implementation of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, linking to the strategy's goal of halting the decline in our biodiversity and supporting the protection and enhancement of our environment.