National holds successful Tauranga meeting
National holds successful Tauranga meeting
Tony Ryall - Bay of Plenty MP Wayne Mapp - National Housing Spokesperson
Close to 80 people attended a public meeting in Tauranga this afternoon organised by National regarding the rotting home crisis. National’s housing spokesperson Wayne Mapp and Bay of Plenty MP Tony Ryall as well as a number of expert speakers attended it.
“There was widespread support from affected homeowners for compulsory arbitration as suggested by National through the proposed Weather Tightness Tribunal, says Tony Ryall.
“Voluntary mediation was seen as a waste of time with one person present noting that he expected to go bankrupt before his builder under the current arrangement.
“Another person present had already spent over ten thousand dollars in legal fee’s trying to sort his rotting house out, says Mr Ryall.
This is the fourth public meeting now organised by National for concerned homeowners. Already successful meetings have been held in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington.