TV campaign for early childhood education
17 October 2003 Media Statement
TV campaign for early childhood education
A national television
campaign to increase the number of qualified and registered
early childhood teachers will start on Sunday 19 October
2003, Education Minister Trevor Mallard announced today.
“This is the first campaign to specifically encourage people to become early childhood teachers and marks a milestone in the history of the early childhood sector,” Trevor Mallard said.
“The campaign demonstrates our government’s ongoing commitment to implementing Pathways to the Future: Ngä Huarahi Arataki, a 10-year strategic plan for early childhood education.
"A core goal of the strategic plan is to improve the quality of early childhood services by ensuring there is an adequate number of qualified registered teachers.”
“This strategic plan is also focussed on increasing the numbers of children who receive early childhood education, as research tells us that children who receive quality early childhood education continue to benefit from this experience through their school life. “
Trevor Mallard said the television campaign, which will run for six weeks under the Ministry of Education’s TeachNZ brand, will be extended by radio advertisements, and supported by brochures and information packs for people interested in early childhood teaching. Funding for the campaign is $376,573.
People interested in teaching in the early childhood sector are encouraged to call the 0800 TeachNZ (0800 832 246) number to receive information on the various types of early childhood teacher education programmes available throughout the country.