A Racist Barrier Removed
A Racist Barrier Removed
Wednesday 22 Sep 2004
Stephen Franks - Press Releases - Treaty of Waitangi & Maori Affairs
ACT New Zealand Maori Affairs Spokesman Stephen Franks today approved Minister Trevor Mallard's move to make scholarships for Teacher Trainees available to all New Zealanders, regardless of race.
"I am pleased that the racist barriers to receipt of these scholarships have been removed," Mr Franks said.
"Mr Mallard should have done this as Race Relations Co-ordinating Minister. That would show that he is rooting out race distinctions wherever targeting should, instead, be based on need.
"Instead, however, he has announced it as Education Minister. It seems he might have been bogged down elsewhere, so perhaps he is working on the huge task of cleaning up his own Ministry.
"Mr Mallard will be a stronger man than I think he is, if he can get rid of the `Two World Views' racism that infects his, and many other, departments," Mr Franks said.