Battling the hardest development problems
2 December 2004
Battling the hardest development problems
The Mongrel Mob in Putaruru invited Jim Anderton to speak to them today about business development and launch their whanau business development project.
"Regional development programmes around the country have contributed to the positive growth experienced by each region for every quarter since the 1999 coalition government was elected, Jim Anderton, Minister for Regional and Industry Development said today.
"Now the task is to tackle some of the toughest barriers to economic development including the ingrained problems caused by the negative policies of the 1980s and 90s which ignored the needs of the regions. Small communities were devastated by those policies and I am still seeing the results today. Communities like Murupara and Waitara are now tackling these issues front on and I am pleased to help them do that," the Minister and Progressive Leader said.
Jim Anderton has been asked to come and discuss the problems faced by these communities over the past year and today is visiting both Murupara and Putaruru.
"To many people, the idea of a gang being involved in business is not much different from a fox being involved in a henhouse. I believe, however, that if you want people to respect their community and play a constructive role, you have to give them a stake in it.
"There is no better way to create a stake for people than by getting them to realise their own potential through business. Businesses create jobs and jobs give people and their communities hope. I want members of gangs to see a future outside the gang, to become part of their communities instead, that is why I am pleased to be able to launch the Mongrel Mob's whanau business development project.
"I will work with anyone who has a stake in economic development to create jobs and a brighter future for each region. The more skills people have, the more likely they are to play a constructive role in their community," Jim Anderton said.