Tenure review further impeded
Hon David Carter MP
National Party Agriculture
20 October 2006
Tenure review further impeded
Farmers involved in the tenure review process can expect further delays because of ministerial interference, says National's Agriculture spokesman, David Carter.
In Parliament yesterday, Mr Carter asked Land Information Minister David Parker whether his decision to personally oversee every single tenure review proposal would delay final decisions being made.
"The Minister appeared completely unfazed that his new-found interest in tenure review will mean more uncertainty and frustration for high country farmers," says Mr Carter.
"Clearly, the Minister is now locked into the Department of Conservation/Forest and Bird philosophy of extracting land out of productive agriculture and adding it to the DOC estate.
"It won't be long before the damage caused by this lock-up policy will be evident in the high country.
"It will lead to poor, rather than better, environmental outcomes for the iconic South Island high country."