Brash to visit UK
Don Brash MP
National Party Leader
7 November
Brash to visit UK
National Party Leader Don Brash departs for London on Wednesday night to participate in a dedication ceremony for the New Zealand Memorial at Hyde Park Corner and meet health policy experts.
“The memorial commemorates the shared sacrifice of New Zealand and British service personnel during wartime, but it also celebrates the other ties that bind the two countries together,” says Dr Brash.
He will also hold a number of meetings with health policy experts.
“Health policy is one area I’ve identified as important and it will be one of National’s key policy planks for the next election.
“I will be using this trip as an opportunity to see how another country is dealing with the issues facing its health system. National’s Health spokesman, Tony Ryall, also looked at health issues during a recent trip to Britain.”
Dr Brash arrives back in New Zealand on Tuesday next week.