Call centre shake-up overdue
Anne Tolley MP
National Party Associate Welfare
21 December 2006
Call centre shake-up overdue
The Government’s announcement that it will be shaking up its Child Youth & Family call centres is way overdue, says National’s Associate Welfare spokeswoman, Anne Tolley.
“This is something I have been bringing to the attention of Minister Ruth Dyson since I returned to Parliament in 2005.
“Waiting times in the Child, Youth & Family call centres, and the huge number of abandoned calls, were of concern to me back in 2005, and now it seems the Government is finally acknowledging there is a problem.
“Child Youth & Family call centres are often the first point of call for people concerned about a child’s welfare and they need to be managed appropriately.
“And when calls do come in they need to be actioned accurately and in a timely manner.
"I hope this review prompts the Minister into action, instead of more empty talk," says Mrs Tolley.