Richard Russell Appointed District Court Judge
Richard Russell Appointed District Court Judge
Richard John Russell, Solicitor of Invercargill, has been appointed a District Court Judge with a Family Court warrant, Attorney-General Michael Cullen announced today.
Mr Russell was admitted in 1980. He has been with Cruickshank Pryde, Solicitors in Invercargill since 1983 and a partner of the firm since 1985. His work from that time has been almost exclusively in family law and family related cases with an emphasis over recent years in the areas of relationship property, trusts, conveyancing, wills and estate planning/estate disputes. He has been a member of the Lawyer for Child panel since 1985, has served on the Council of the Southland District Law Society since 1989 and was its President from 2003-2005. He also served two terms as Chairman of the Southland District Legal Services Committee from 1991-1998.
Mr Russell will be sworn in on 30 January 2008 and will sit in Nelson.