ACC programme to address physiotherapy review
18 December, 2007 Media Statement
ACC programme to address physiotherapy review
ACC has developed a challenging work programme to review operational issues raised by a report examining the funding and accreditation of physiotherapy services, says ACC Minister Maryan Street.
The Review of the Way in Which Physiotherapy Services are Funded and Accredited by ACC assessed the adequacy of the current regulatory and purchasing arrangement for physiotherapists within the ACC regime.
It was conducted as a result of the Labour-led government’s confidence and supply agreement with New Zealand First, the minister said.
“Following discussions between myself and ACC, the establishment of an intensive work programme for 2008 and beyond to address the operational issues raised in the review has been agreed to.”
Matters to be addressed include: issues raised about ACC’s monitoring, audit and investigation activities, adjustments to and review of the ACC32 process and associated treatment profiles, a review of consents to release information on the ACC45 form and the provision of information on the ACC website about the ACC complaints process for providers.
“The government is also asking ACC to reassess the entry conditions for the Endorsed Provider Network contract and to report back to Cabinet by the end of June 2009 on what those conditions should be,” said Maryan Street.
“The review recommended an independent chair be appointed to the Physiotherapy Liaison Group and ACC has agreed to this.”
There are some issues still under consideration by the government, in particular the recommended payment increases for physiotherapy services, she said.
“All funding decisions have to be taken in the context of other government priorities and funding proposals for other health professional groups. Proposals for increased physiotherapy funding will be examined during the Budget 2008 process.”