Clark digs Labour even deeper into the red
Bill English MP
National Party Finance Spokesman
16 October 2008
Clark digs Labour even deeper into the red
National Party Finance spokesman Bill English says Helen Clark’s low-key announcement today that Labour would maintain the floor of national superannuation at 66% of the average after-tax wage is uncosted, and wasn’t in the PREFU.
“National estimates this to be worth about $250 million over four years. We have included it in our own fully costed and fully funded fiscal package. Labour has not.
“So today on the campaign trail, Helen Clark has written out cheques for more than $1.3 billion. That includes the $1 billion insulation fund, the $250 million super announcement, and the $130 million policy for benefits.
“Not one cent of that was included in the pre-election opening of the books.
“Helen Clark is intent on driving New Zealand deeper and deeper into the red. She clearly no longer cares about her own credibility. It’s win at all costs and hope nobody else can count.”
Mr English says Labour must come clean on where this money is supposed to be coming from.
“Helen Clark has said there’ll be a mini-Budget after the election. The public deserves to know before the election what would change afterwards.”