New chiefs of Army and Navy announced
Hon Gerry Brownlee
Minister of Defence
1 September 2015
New chiefs of Army and Navy announced
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee today announced the appointment of new Chiefs of the New Zealand Army and the Royal New Zealand Navy.
The new Chief of Army will be Peter Kelly, who is currently a Brigadier and is acting Chief of Army.
He will formally take up his new responsibilities at a handover event at Waiouru on 10 September, and will be promoted to Major General.
Brigadier Kelly takes over from Major-General Dave Gawn, who was recently appointed Head of Mission and Chief of Staff to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation.
The new Chief of Navy will be John Martin, who is currently a Commodore and is the Assistant Chief Capability for the New Zealand Defence Force. He will take up his new role at a handover parade on 30 November, and will be promoted to Rear Admiral.
Commodore Martin will replace Rear Admiral Jack Steer, who retires from the Navy at the end of November.
Mr Brownlee says Cabinet approved his recommendation of the appointments yesterday, and he wants to offer his congratulations to both officers.
“The role of a Service Chief in the NZDF is to raise, train and sustain their Service.
“It is a vital position, and underpins what both the Service and the Defence Force do for both government and the public of New Zealand.
“I am sure both officers will carry on providing great service in their new roles, and I wish them well.”