Minister to attend APEC Ministerial Meeting
Hon Paul Goldsmith
Minister of Commerce and Consumer
4 September 2015
Minister to attend APEC Ministerial Meeting
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Paul Goldsmith will travel to the Philippines tomorrow to represent the New Zealand Government at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Meeting on structural reform.
“Structural reform looks to open up trade and markets by removing any behind-the-border barriers to doing business. These barriers could be regulations, government policies or institutional frameworks which act as obstacles to trade and investment between countries,” Mr Goldsmith says.
New Zealand is chairing the APEC Economic Committee through to 2016. The Economic Committee has a leading role in promoting structural reform within APEC.
“I am looking forward to participating in these meetings where APEC countries gain insight on reform progress in each economy and learn from each other on how to overcome obstacles.
“By working on behind-the-border impediments to economic growth, we can further the APEC goals of sustained growth and better regional economic integration.
“Structural reform within APEC will help New Zealand business enter more easily into markets in the region.
“My attendance at the meeting will also provide the opportunity to meet with a number of relevant Ministers from APEC economies,” says Mr Goldsmith.
While away Mr
Goldsmith will also hold a series of meetings with policy
experts and Ministerial counterparts in Hong Kong.