Suffrage Day raises profile of inspiring leaders
Suffrage Day raises profile of inspiring leaders
A toolkit of resources for women looking to achieve their leadership goals has today been launched by Minister for Women Louise Upston.
Speaking at a breakfast event at Parliament this morning to celebrate Suffrage Day on Saturday 19 September, Ms Upston officially launched the Ministry for Women’s new Inspiring Women project, featuring real-life stories of emerging women leaders.
“Inspiring Women is part of a toolkit on the Ministry’s website designed for women looking to move ahead in their careers. This collection of aspirational stories from emerging women leaders can be used to encourage women to have the confidence to take the next step in their career and leadership roles.
“Recognising that women leaders come in all guises, and making them more visible, is essential to changing the way we see leadership,” Ms Upston said.
As well as highlighting the Inspiring Women project, Ms Upston also used her address at this morning’s breakfast event to highlight the importance of encouraging and developing leaders whenever possible.
“There are some great opportunities for those who are already in leadership positions to encourage, mentor and sponsor those with potential to be great leaders. Encouraging more women to take a step up is better for business, for communities and for our country as a whole..”
“History was made 122 years ago when brave Suffragists broke down barriers for women in society, leading the change in global attitudes. In 2015 we can continue the example set by the Suffragists by developing our next generation of inspiring women leaders.”
View the Inspiring Women case studies at