Funding to improve health of Manawatū River
Hon Dr Nick Smith
Minister for the Environment
21 October 2016
Funding to improve health of
Manawatū River
An iwi-led programme to improve the Manawatū River is the latest waterways project to receive funding through the Government’s Te Mana o Te Wai Fund, Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith and Māori Party co-leader Marama Fox announced today.
“The Government is committed to improving the quality of New Zealand’s freshwater bodies, including through grants such as this $534,000 towards Rangitāne o Tamaki Nui a Rua’s $814,000 Tū te Manawa project,” Dr Smith says.
“This project involves improving the water quality of the Manawatū River through extensive planting of native species along the river banks and building 50km of fencing, as well as installing eight whare, or information points, along the river where visitors can access information about the historical and cultural significance of each site.
“The balance of the funding for the project will come from Horizons Regional Council, Rangitāne o Tamaki Nui a Rua and local territorial authorities, as well as contributions from local landowners. This joint commitment to the improved health of Manawatū River will complement the Government’s 2012 funding of $5.2 million towards a $30 million work programme to clean up the river.”
Mrs Fox says water is a taonga [treasure] and everything possible must be done to protect and improve its mauri [life force].
“When the mauri of the river is strong, the mauri of its people and community will be strong, so I’m really pleased to see the Government give support to a programme that will be led by the people who know and love this awa [river],” she says.
“By being at the table, the Māori Party has been able to get the Government to recognise that iwi and hapū have an important role to play in improving our country’s freshwater, and that partnership and collaboration is key in ensuring positive and lasting gains.”
Te Mana o Te Wai Fund was announced as part of Budget 2014 in partnership with the Māori Party. It provides $5 million over two years to support iwi and hapū-led initiatives to improve the quality of local freshwater systems.