Govt forcing more people into social housing
Simon O'Connor - Housing (Social)
6 December 2018
It’s disappointing to hear decisions made by this Government are increasing the number of people relying on social housing, National’s Social Housing spokesperson Simon O’Connor says.
“At the Ministry of Social Development annual review yesterday, officials acknowledged that the waiting list for social housing is longer than at any point in history. Officials noted this is partly because more people are leaving private housing in search of social housing.
“It is clear this is due to Housing Minister Phil Twyford’s decision to make life difficult for landlords. After telling landlords to take their money elsewhere, they are doing just that.
“By setting up more roadblocks and hurdles for landlords, and raising compliance costs, many landlords have decided not to rent out their properties. As a result more people are forced to rely on publicly funded social housing.
“Landlords are losing out under this current Government and are being driven out of the market which is in turn impacting our most vulnerable.
“It is time for this Government to admit that its plan for social housing has been a complete failure. Mr Twyford needs to be striking a balance between landlords and tenants. Instead he’s forcing more and more people into social housing.”