Have your say on the Public Service Legislation Bill
22 November 2019
The Chairperson of the Governance and
Administration Committee has opened public submissions on
the Public Service Legislation Bill.
The Public Service Legislation Bill proposes a modern legislative framework for achieving a more adaptive and collaborative Public Service by expanding the types of agencies that comprise the Public Service, unified by a common purpose, ethos, and strengthened leadership arrangements.
Public Service Legislation Bill would repeal the State
Sector Act 1988 to replace it with a new Public Service Act,
and make a small number of related amendments to the Public
Finance Act 1989. In doing this, it aims to:
establish the purpose, principles, and values of an
apolitical public service:
• recognise the role
of the public service to support the Crown in its commitment
to its relationships with Māori:
• provide a
more flexible set of options for organisational arrangements
to support the public service in better responding to
priorities and joining up more effectively:
strengthen leadership across the public service, and
provides for system- and future-focused leadership.
Chair is keen to hear your submission on this bill. You can
make a submission on the Parliament website.
the Governance and Administration Committee what you
Make a submission on the bill by
midnight on Friday, 31 January 2020.
For more
details about the bill:
• Read the full content of the bill
Get more details about the
• What’s been said in Parliament about the
• Follow the committee’s Facebook page for