Labour's Pulling Firefighters' Strings
Plans for full-time firefighters refuse to work from New Year's Eve through January unless they get large bonuses, are a taste of what life would be like under a Labour-Alliance government.
"If people like the idea of a government made up from the ranks of these union bully-boys, they should be aware of what they're in for," said the Hon Roger Sowry, Leader of the House.
Firefighters union boss Derek Best is the Labour candidate for Ohariu Belmont and on the Labour list and there are at least nine other prominent unionists on Labour's list.
The Alliance not only has former firefighter Grant Gillon, but professional firefighters union president Mike McEnaney on its list.
"This is a prime example of industrial action being played out for political purposes," Mr Sowry said.
"I don't think New Zealanders will be impressed by these threats to use milennium celebrations around the country as a crude political tool.
"Firefighters have been pushed way over the line on this one.. They should be turning the heat on their Labour-Alliance puppetmasters because they've shot themselves in the foot with this threat."