ACT Opposes Government On Cockpit Voice Recorders
ACT Transport Spokesman Owen Jennings today said ACT disagreed with the position taken by National and Labour on Cockpit Voice recorders in legislation rushed through the House last night.
"Parliament should not easily grant immunity from prosecution to any group in the community. There was a strong case for having a high admissibility test using the High Court before prosecuting authorities or other person had access to recordings as a practical measure to protect pilots from the frivolous use of tape contents.
"However, the case for immunity on the grounds that CVR's are a safety device only overlooks the rights of grieving relatives and the public for transparency and accountability.
"The threat by pilots that CVR's would be turned off or sabotaged is reprehensible and should not have influenced Parliament in its decision.
"The rush for this legislation was uncalled for. It had more to do with Government officials travelling to an international conference and wanting to boast New Zealand's new legislation than good quality law making.
"The issues around air accidents and their investigation remain unsatisfactory and a concern to many members of the public," said Owen Jennings.