ACT the Party You Can Trust for Positive Change
Sunday 24th Oct 1999
Richard Prebble
Media Release --
ACT Leader Hon Richard Prebble today reaffirmed ACT's priorities for the election, the economy, low tax, welfare reform, truth in sentencing, and raising education standards. Richard Prebble also confirmed that Rodney Hide would run flat out for the constituency vote in Epsom.
More than four hundred people gathered today in Auckland to launch ACT New Zealand's Election 99 campaign at the Ellerslie Convention Centre.
ACT Leader Hon Richard Prebble, accompanied by his wife Doreen Prebble and many of the party's top 20 list candidates said, "ACT New Zealand is putting in front of New Zealanders a new way. A positive change. At 9 percent and building, ACT is in the strongest position more than any other party to deliver positive change. ACT has set out to restore trust, integrity and honesty to New Zealand politics.
"There is only one party that has done what it said it would do - and that is ACT New Zealand.
"ACT is the only party that has had the courage to say no when every other party was silent, it is the only party that has had the courage to put up fresh ideas. ACT is the party of middle New Zealand- our values are the country's values.
"We want all New Zealanders to be equal before the law - one law for all. Lets make Waitangi Treaty settlements fair, full and final. Lets go through the statute books and remove all racial discrimination.
"We need to positively change welfare, we need to help build stronger families - we need to make welfare a hand up not a hand out. ACT will change the system so that every unemployed person can have the dignity of being able to make a contribution to society.
"ACT is the only party leading the charge on law and order. From the moment we arrived in Parliament, we have been attacking the revolving door bail system. The public has been outraged at the unfairness of our justice system- ACT says lets have truth in sentencing.
"We need to improve our approach to education - ACT knows we can be first again in the world. If every school leaver could read, write and do arithmetic - then we would have lower crime and less unemployment.
"To achieve these goals we must have another positive change - a stronger economy. ACT says more government spending is not necessarily the answer. ACT has the answer, first a flat rate of tax to 20 %, which is fair for all and encourages growth. Next - cut away red tape and government bureaucracy allowing this nation of small businesses to get on with what they're good at - making money, and creating jobs.
"ACT is the party of personal responsibility and integrity. ACT is the party you can trust for a positive change." Said Hon Richard Prebble.
For more information visit ACT online at or contact the ACT Parliamentary Office at