Aotearoa Dissident Voice Issue 7 Is Out
Aotearoa Dissident Voice Issue 7 Is Out
Yes, it’s that time
again. Aotearoa Dissident Voice Issue 7 is straight off the
presses and into your hot little hands. Packed into all
twenty pages of this issue we have a discussion by D.S
Lunchbox and Mr Sterile on Art and Revolution, Aziz Choudry
on globalisation and colonialism, Sam Buchanan’s insights
into Labour and social democracy, a critique of the
foreshore confiscations, an analysis of the human-costs of
the invasion of Iraq, a roundup of the Christchurch
anarchist conference and oh so much more.
Get hold of a copy from your local anarchist posse, radical bookshop and even from some universities if you're quick. Or, if that's just too much of a hassle, contact us and we'll sort something out. The entire magazine is available online in PDF form as well as the major articles in plain old HTML so everyone can get easy access to the goodies inside.
We’re still looking for writing contributors and help with distribution. Due to problems with our email we’ve lost a few emails from those who helped with distribution last issue. So if you put your hand up for distro and we haven’t got back to you, drop us a line and we’ll post some out.
The ADV editorial collective wishes you all a happy holiday, and until issue 8, a fond adieu!