Election advertisement, DB Breweries Ltd
Electoral Commission decision 2008-36, election advertisement, DB Breweries Ltd
Dated: 13 October 2008
Decision Number: 2008-36
Subject: Tui billboard captioned: “When Winston Peters says no, he means no - Yeah right”. The billboard is displayed in a number of locations throughout the country, including Tauranga. The billboards do not contain promoter statements and DB Breweries Ltd is not a listed third party.
Findings and Determination: Tui
billboards “When Winston says no he means no - Yeah
right” are not election advertisements within
meaning of section 5 of the Electoral Finance Act
This headnote does not form part of the decision available under Downloads, at right. [at http://www.elections.org.nz/administration/ec-corp-info/ec-decisions/electoral-commission-decision-2008-36.html or below]