Funding round now open for Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust
Funding round now open for Chinese Poll Tax Heritage
The Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust is
currently receiving applications for funding.
The aim
of the Trust is to strengthen the identity of Chinese New
Zealanders says Trust Chair, Tony Thackery.
“This will be achieved by promoting the preservation of Chinese New Zealand history and awareness of the contributions of early Chinese settlers and providing tangible support for Chinese New Zealand history, language and culture, particularly that of the early settler Chinese community.”
He says current funding priorities for the Trust include histories of Chinese fruit shops, laundries, restaurants and takeaway shops; histories of Chinese wives and mothers pre-1970s; New Zealand Chinese Association Branch histories; restoration of gravestones; and commemoration of poll tax payers. “These histories provide a fascinating insight into Chinese life through New Zealand’s development.”
Applications from the Chinese and wider community for projects in these areas are now being sought. “We encourage interested people and organisations to get their applications in,” says Tony Thackery.
Grants are awarded to any person, Chinese or not, for projects and activities that support the Trust’s objectives.
The Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust was established in 2004 in recognition of the hardship caused by the poll tax and other discriminatory legislation. It is a gesture of goodwill to poll tax payers, their descendants, and future generations.
The Trust recently granted the Dominion Federation of New Zealand Chinese Commercial Growers five grants over six years to research, produce and print two books about early New Zealand Chinese Growers.
Applications for the current funding round close on 30 September 2012. To obtain an application form, or to learn more about the Trust, visit or phone 0800 824 824.