Transport Leadership Determines the Future
Critical decisions on transport must be taken now, says Mayor of Auckland Chris Fletcher.
“Transport is a defining issue for Auckland’s future. If we are to be a leading, internationally competitive city, leadership is required to solve Aucklands worst perennial problem.”
Auckland City’s Draft Strategic Plan being launched this Sunday provides a key funding option for Council to significantly enhance the development of transportation infrastructure.
Chris Fletcher says, “The sale of Auckland Airport shares would provide a large capital sum that could quickly advance reducing Auckland’s congestion woes. Council potentially has $350 million for a central city light rail system or other transport developments.”
“A decision must be taken to sell the shares to deal with our transport problem. Retaining such a large capital asset that could be used to make a real difference for transport is difficult to justify,” she said.
The Draft Strategic Plan asks Aucklanders to have their say on three funding options for the future of the city.
Mrs Fletcher says, an underground railway station as part of a central transport interchange is also of critical importance in Auckland’s transport system.
“Immediate action is required to provide a station for rail at Queen Street via the tunnel already under construction. This will be the first component of a transport interchange, which is part of the strategic development of our waterfront and the regional transport network.”
The Draft Strategic Plan gives Aucklanders the opportunity to tell us their views and milestones for our transport system and interchange.
Mayor Fletcher says the status quo will not do. “Bold decision making and leadership is required to move Auckland forward into the new millennium.”