Tsunami siren test next week
Tsunami siren test next week
The Coromandel's tsunami sirens will be tested on Friday 26 September at 12:00pm.
A continuous siren tone will sound on the Firth of Thames, Cooks Beach, Coromandel, Hahei, Kuaotunu, Matarangi, Pauanui, Port Charles, Tairua, Tapu, Thames, Turua, Whangapoua, Whangamata, and Whitianga.
The sirens will sound for approximately two minutes.
You do not need to evacuate for the test
In a real event:
When you hear a single tone siren for 10 minutes or more, listen to your local radio station for more information.
However, if you are near the coast and feel an earthquake (you'll have difficulty walking in a straight line), don't wait to hear a siren. Go immediately for higher ground. Do not go to the beach to have a look.
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To get emergency alerts sent to your mobile, text "follow TC_DC" to 8987.
We save this channel for emergency information.
To learn more about tsunami check out our Thames Valley emergency website at: www.thamesvalleycivildefence.co.nz