Marines @ Mahia Reload
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Marines @ Mahia Reload
Commemorating the 72nd anniversary of the U.S. 2nd
Marine Division exercises at Mokotahi beach in 1943 will be
the focus of this year’s Marines @ Mahia Reload event,
which will take place over Labour Weekend at Mahia.
Event Coordinator, Ross Hedley, says there is a proud military history here is Wairoa and this event is about celebrating that.
The New Zealand Military Vehicle Collectors Club and Marines @ Mahia plan to have marquees with displays relating to the Pacific campaign of World War Two to educate and inform visitors of the various activities and people involved.
“When we held this event two years ago we were able to attract 4,000 people, which is extraordinary and we’re hoping that this year’s event will be bigger and better than before.”
“We will display some of the vehicles, artillery and equipment that were used during World War Two and demonstrate the change in the technology that is now used in military campaigns. Only when you see and touch and feel these sorts of things can you really have a true appreciation of what the conditions might have been like for our soldiers and the hardship they faced back then.
“This is one way we’re able to share these types of experience with the younger generation. You can’t learn this sort of stuff from a book or the internet. Actually seeing and feeling the machinery and equipment allows a totally different educational experience and this is what this event is about.”
“This year’s event is a lead up to a larger event in 2018 where we plan to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the beach landings and exercises. We will run a complete re-enactment of the beach landings.”
“We anticipate that the
re-enactment event will attract enthusiasts from throughout
New Zealand and will feature displays of military uniforms,
equipment, historic military vehicles and the Navy landing
craft,” says Mr Hedley.