Search in Dunedin continues for missing man Gordon McLean
"Search in Dunedin continues for missing man Gordon McLean"
Please attribute to Sergeant Richard
Police continue to search for 63-year-old Gordon Mclean, who has not been seen since 3pm Thursday afternoon.
Mr Mclean is considered very frail and Police have serious concerns for his welfare.
He was not located yesterday after extensive searching, so the search continues today.
Today approximately 60 LandSAR volunteers, Red Cross volunteers, a rescue search dog and Police are searching Wakari, Helensburgh, Halfway Bush Kaikorai valley and Frasers Gully.
The Dunedin Marine Search and Rescue are also included in the search party today, checking water ways and culverts in Kaikorai Valley.
Police ask residents to check their properties thoroughly, particularly in the Halfway Bush area.
We will be focusing on searching the properties of people in the areas we did not canvas yesterday. Please check sheds and outbuildings in or around your properties.
Mr Mclean was last seen wearing dark-coloured polar fleece and trousers, a red-coloured polo shirt, brown slippers and a black puffer sleeveless jacket.
He is approximately 152cm tall, of very thin build, and considered frail.
Police are following up all potential sightings of Mr McLean which have come in from the public and we appreciate this help.
Any sightings should be reported to Police immediately on 111.