New signs for Kāeaea Track rich in history
New signs for East Harbour Regional Park’s newest track - the Kāeaea Track – were unveiled and blessed on the officially completed pathway on Saturday 10 November, offering a fascinating insight into how the region used to look.
Photos and information on the signs show central Eastbourne buildings surrounded by sand dunes and a Māori fishing village in Pencarrow. It also depicts an anti-submarine defence system from the early 1940s – a 1.8km ‘boom’ of hardwood piles driven into the seabed between Eastbourne and Ward Island.
Greater Wellington Regional Council worked with the Eastbourne Community Board and the Eastbourne Historical Society to create the signage.
“It offers a rare window on what the area looked like last century,” says Parks Portfolio Leader Cr Prue Lamason. “Not only will visitors get to enjoy a stunning scenic location, they’ll also receive a fascinating history lesson.”
The track took two seasons to build and it takes between 25 and 45 minutes to walk up depending on your ability. The track is named after the native New Zealand falcon, the Kāeaea, which is commonly seen in the area.
Sights from the top include Ward and Matiu-Somes Islands, Mount Kaukau and the Brooklyn Wind Turbine.