Horowhenua will plan for new neighbourhoods in 2019
The adoption of Horowhenua Growth Strategy 2040 opens the door to community conversations about new neighbourhoods in our towns and settlements.
Yesterday evening, Horowhenua District Council adopted its Growth Strategy, which identifies what is needed for successful future development of urban and industrial areas and where that development should occur.
“Our population is expected to increase by a third in the next 20 years,” said Horowhenua District Council Growth Response Manager Daniel Haigh. “However, growth in the past three years has exceeded expectations and, if maintained, will see Horowhenua reach those levels in the early 2030s.”
“Horowhenua is in the early stages of district-wide transformation,” said Mr Haigh.
“Our new strategy will help make sure development is managed well by taking into account future land needs, infrastructure, environmental protection, transport links, effects on existing residential areas, community development, and land for business and industry.”
Mr Haigh said conversations with the New Zealand Transport Agency will be paramount. Other issues include the need to maintain the existing character of residential hubs, especially in smaller settlements; avoiding development in high-risk areas; accommodating existing land-use, particularly in rural areas; and ensuring a diverse offering of residential options.
“Letting future development happen without a strategy behind it is a recipe for disaster. We need more residential development, but it’s vital that it happens in a way that makes our district a better place to live, work and play. It must be sustainable and help us improve our environment.”
Group Manager Strategy & Development David McCorkindale said “2018 has been a year of talking about the future of Horowhenua District as a whole”.
“In 2019 the conversation will shift to each location, and the first conversations will be with residents in Levin, Foxton Beach and Waitārere. We will be creating master plans for new neighbourhoods in growth areas in each location and that will then lead to District Plan changes.”
Mr McCorkindale said later in the year Council will bring to the community an urban growth District Plan change that will propose to rezone some of the growth areas identified in the Growth Strategy in Foxton Beach, Foxton, Ōhau, Manakau, Tokomaru and potentially Waikawa Beach.
“We’ll also assess rural subdivision and development standards to see how they’re currently working and to test the implications of newly adopted Growth Strategy.”
The Horowhenua Growth Strategy 2040 was adopted by Council on Wednesday 21 November. The strategy was based on the work done for the Horowhenua Development Plan 2008, with the addition of the new population growth projections, targeted consultation with landowners and developers, and broader public consultation.