Good Tenants Deserve Good Landlords – Flat Review launches
Good Tenants Deserve Good Landlords – Flat Review launches is a new online reviewing site that allows tenants to get the inside scoop on a rental property before they sign their lease.
The website is targeted at people who are currently renting or looking at renting options. It offers the ability to see ratings against warmth, dampness, noise, location and the resolution of timely maintenance requests by the landlord.
“We are excited about creating more transparency within the rental market, allowing potential tenants to review previous tenant’s experiences before signing up to live in a property.” - Aaron Yee (Founder –
With the increasing number of people turning to fixed term tenancy agreements, platforms like this offer a sense of fairness and transparency for potential renters.
Earlier last month we saw the lunch of a voluntary Warrant of Fitness housing scheme by the Wellington City Council. With the intention of raising the standard of rentals within the region. would look at allowing landlords to upload their WoF report against their property allowing potential tenants to filter based on property ratings to make informed flatting decisions.