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ITF releases Briefing to Incoming Minister

(Attention Chief Reporters – for immediate release)

Industry Training Federation releases Briefing to Incoming Minister

The Industry Training Federation released its Briefing to the Incoming Minister following its meeting with Hon. Steve Maharey today.

“The ITF sees the passing of the Tertiary Education Reform Bill and the establishment of the Tertiary Education Commission as vital to formalising the position of industry training as a key component of the tertiary education sector”, said Darel Hall, Executive Director of the Industry Training Federation.

“The ITF supports the target of 150,000 trainees by 2005, while maintaining and enhancing the quality of trainees’ educational experience. There is work to be done to reduce barriers to achieving that target, starting with the Funding Category Review.

“The ITF also believes that there a New Zealand Centre for Vocational Education Research needs to be established. Initially, this might take the form of key stakeholders engaging in describing the kinds of research that will make immediate contributions to New Zealand’s productivity and training cultures. The ITF will continue to engage with the (transition) Tertiary Education Commission and other stakeholders to keep this discussion on the agenda for tertiary education.

“Skills training is an important part of achieving New Zealand’s economic and social goals. Our briefing paper describes the key areas that Industry Training has identified as needing consideration to reach those goals”, said Mr Hall.

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JULY 2002



Charters and Profiles 5
Future skills needs 6
Funding “trade training” in providers 6
Reducing the number of ITOs 7
Performance Measure 18 8
Training above level 4 8
Standard Trainee Measure (STM) funding 9
Research 9
Internationalisation of the NQF 9
Purchasing training from providers 10
Who we are 11
Our people 11


1. The Industry Training Strategy (the Strategy) is government’s principal investment in workforce development. Industry training is a cost-effective, flexible and dynamic initiative that delivers both direct economic and social outcomes.

2. The Strategy is growing rapidly. Figures from 2000 and 2001 show steady increases in both the stock and flow of trainee participation, in the number of employers engaged, and in outcomes as measured by credit achievement and qualification completion.

3. The Industry Training Federation (ITF) supports decisions to develop an integrated and coherent tertiary education system, and to set a strategic focus for public investment in that system. We support the establishment of a single agency with overall responsibility for the entire tertiary education system, and we welcome the recently announced intention to significantly increase participation in industry training. The goals and directions set are ambitious, challenging, and long-overdue.

4. Achieving these goals will require consideration and management of several outstanding or imminent policy issues. Developing and maintaining an effective dialogue with stakeholders will be important as will adopting a flexible approach to policy implementation.

5. Specifically, the ITF recommends a flexible approach to:

 The analysis and forecasting skill needs;
 The configuration of the ITO network;
 The ability of ITOs to meet industry’s needs for advanced training;
 The ability of ITOs to use quality-assured international qualifications; and
 Choice of providers of “off-job” training.

6. Some existing policies also need to be reviewed, as a step towards an integrated and high-performing tertiary system. These include:
 Funding rates for ITOs
 The ability of providers to generate funding for non-NQF “trade training”; and
 The methods used to measure industry’s cash contribution to training.

7. The ITF is keen to work with the Government to find mutually-satisfactory solutions to these issues.


i. We recommend that priority be given to developing guidelines and advice to ITOs to enable a smooth transition from the requirements of recognition to the broader requirements of charters.

ii. We recommend that the development of the requirements for profiles involve a review of the current contractual requirements to ensure effective and efficient management that assures government of the performance of ITOs without imposing unnecessary compliance on ITOs or on enterprises.
iii. We recommend that, as soon as is practicable, TEC establishes initial criteria for the assessment of ITOs’ skills forecasting processes and discusses these with the ITF and ITOs prior to the criteria being applied as part of any recognition process.
iv. We recommend that the funding regulations for “trade training” in providers be reviewed, in order to promote complementarity between providers and ITOs, and better link vocational education in providers to industry requirements.

v. We recommend a review of the current rules regarding industry cash contributions with a view to extending the definition of what constitutes a cash contribution without compromising the integrity of the Performance Measurement System.
vi. We recommend that the 2002 pilot (which allows ITOs to use 10% of their public funding for training above NQF level 4) is continued or extended through to 2003 to provide both stability for ITOs and additional data for the evaluation.

vii. We recommend that the Funding Category Review considers the adequacy of STM prices with respect to the new functions required by legislation as well as the current functions and activities expected of ITOs.

viii. We recommend that priority be given to the establishment of a systems-to-systems arrangement with Australia that allows ITOs to use Australian standards to the advantage of New Zealand learners and industries.
ix. We recommend that ITOs retain the flexibility to purchase from providers that best meet the needs of enterprises, until such time as public providers have been appropriately refocused.


8. The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview of the key tertiary education and training issues from the perspective of Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) and the ITF. The role and function of the ITF is discussed in Appendix 1 of this brief.

9. The Industry Training Strategy is a partnership between industry and government in which both parties invest to achieve mutually-beneficial goals. The Strategy has been enormously successful and has the potential to grow significantly over the next 10 years. The role, function and achievements of the Strategy are outlined in Appendix 2 of this brief.

10. The ITF has long supported a more integrated and strategic approach to tertiary education policy, and welcomes recent moves to improve connections between the previously disparate sector and focus it on contributing to national development.

11. As a key interface between industry and the education sector, ITOs perform a number of key functions as set out in the Industry Training Act 1992 (the Act), including:

 Developing National Standards and Qualifications (section 6 (a) of the Act);
 Managing and purchasing trainnig to those standards (section 6 (b) of the Act);
 Quality assure learning (section (6 (b) (i) and (ii) of the Act); and
 Identifying and planning for future skill needs (new section 6 (c) (i) – (iii) as inserted by clause 41 of the Tertiary Education Reform Bill).

12. We are keen to work with government, agencies and other stakeholders to develop policy and regulatory frameworks that enable New Zealand to further unleash its potential and regain its place in the top 10 of the OECD.


Charters and Profiles

13. The implementation of charters and profiles presents an opportunity to streamline the contract and accountability processes for ITOs. However, it will also be important that the Charters and Profiles appropriately reflect the particular characteristics of ITOs.

14. Unlike other organisations within the tertiary education system, ITOs must meet specific statutory criteria in order to exist (assessing an ITO’s ability to meet these criteria is known as “recognition” under the Industry Training Act 1992). The Charters and Profiles process may mean that the statutory criteria need further examination to assess whether the statutory criteria in any way hinder the Tertiary Education Strategy.

15. We recommend that priority be given to developing guidelines and advice to ITOs to enable a smooth transition from the requirements of recognition to the broader requirements of charters.

16. We agree with the report of the Charters and Profiles Working Group that profiles replace the current requirements of contracts between Skill New Zealand and ITOs. We recommend that the development of the requirements for profiles involve a review of the current contractual requirements to ensure effective and efficient management that assures government of the performance of ITOs without imposing unnecessary compliance on ITOs or on enterprises.

Future skills needs

17. The review of Industry Training expanded the statutory functions of ITOs to include:

 “Identifying current and future skill needs; and
 Developing strategic training plans to assist industry to meet those needs; and
 Promoting training that will meet those needs to employers and employees.”

Funding commensurate with the additional resource use required to meet these functions will need to be considered, depending on the depth of engagement the functions require.

18. ITOs will be required to demonstrate their capability and performance as part of the recognition process. The ITF supports these expanded responsibilities, however, TEC will need to develop criteria that accommodate the particular needs of industries and provide for reasonable flexibility so as to ensure that the process is meaningful for industry. Flexibility is critical, since:

 ITOs vary considerably in size, industry coverage, and capacity; and
 The industries served by ITOs vary markedly in terms of their complexity, size, depth, and the pace of change.

19. Therefore, we recommend that as soon as is practicable, TEC establishes initial criteria for discussion with the ITF and ITOs prior to those criteria being applied as part of any recognition process.

Funding “trade training” in providers

20. Under the present funding system, tertiary education providers are able to access public subsidies for “trade training for any student who does not have a training agreement ”.
21. The ITF believes that this policy may work against the government’s objectives of building an integrated tertiary system that is responsive to industry.
22. ITOs were established to increase the relevance and responsiveness of vocational learning to industry needs, thereby improving the employability of learners and skill levels of enterprises. However, current funding regulations do not require provider-based “trade training” to be linked to the relevant National Standards and Qualifications and therefore may not support the interests of learners or industry.

23. Evidence also suggests that this funding policy is leading some providers to compete with ITOs rather than deliver “trade training” to a distinct group of learners.

24. We recommend that the funding regulations for provider-based “trade training” is reviewed, in order to promote complementarity between providers and ITOs, and better link vocational education in providers to industry requirements. The ITF remains to be convinced that the expansion of Category 22 funding for those employed is useful. One option that should be considered is to require providers to undertake a third-party effects analysis before they can be funded for “trade training”.

Reducing the number of ITOs

25. Reducing the number of ITOs has been a recurring theme over the past three years. The Tertiary Education Strategy 2002/07 comments that by 2007, there “will be fewer ITOs, a significant increase in collaborative partnerships between ITOs and improved integration between ITOs and the rest of the tertiary education system.”

26. While we support improved collaboration and integration in the tertiary education sector, it does not follow that simply reducing the number of ITOs will lead to increased collaboration, integration, and responsiveness. As the Board of Skill New Zealand noted in their submission to the Industry Training Review:

‘Small ITOs are not necessarily a problem – they may be serving their industry exceptionally well. Being big is not necessarily a virtue – it can mean being bureaucratic and slow to respond to industry needs. There are obvious risks involved in trying to push reluctant industry organisations into new structures. ”

27. We recommend that the focus of government policy remain on outputs and on quality. Specifically, government should instruct TEC to focus on the TES objectives of further developing training cultures in enterprises and a tertiary education system that is responsive to enterprises.

Performance Measure 18

28. ITOs are required to collect and report industry cash contributions to the costs of training in order to receive public funding. ITOs report the quantum collected through the Performance Management System (PMS); specifically Performance Measure 18. This requirement is designed to ensure that the government subsidises, rather than fully funds, training and that the trainnig is valued by industry.

29. In general, the ITF supports this requirement. However, since the introduction of the PMS in 2000, ITOs have expressed concerns about Performance Measure 18. Specifically, ITOs and the ITF have argued that the current definition of an industry cash contribution to training is too narrow and excludes significant direct and auditable contributions.

30. According to a report prepared by Strategic Policy Consulting for Skill New Zealand, the current narrow definition results in a significant underestimate of industry contributions .

31. Therefore, we recommend a review of the current rules regarding industry cash contributions with a view to extending the definition of what constitutes a cash contribution without compromising the integrity of the PMS.

Training above level 4

32. Until recently, ITOs were only able to purchase training up to level 4 on the NQF. This restriction was based on the assumption that lower-level training was more likely to be taken up by those with no or low qualifications, with public funds therefore targeted towards those most in need .

33. As a result of the Industry Training Review and at the ITF’s suggestion, ITOs were allowed to use 10% of their 2002 public funding to purchase training above level 4. This policy change was a pilot only and is to be evaluated at the end of 2002 to assess its effect “on education and training at lower levels of the framework, on tertiary education providers, and on the polytechnics sector in particular”.

34. We recommend that the 10% pilot is continued or extended through to 2003 to provide both stability for ITOs and additional data for the evaluation.

Standard Trainee Measure (STM) funding

35. We note that Cabinet Policy Committee agreed to review various funding category anomalies including STM relativities. We support this review.

36. This review will not necessarily consider the adequacy of STM prices. The ITF has concerns that the current funding system may not be able to sustain government policy objectives in the long-term particularly as additional responsibilities are added by the Tertiary Education Reform Bill (TERB).

37. For example, the resources required to identify current and future skill needs could be a source of considerable cost to ITOs unless a flexible approach is taken which draws on the expertise of those involved in their respective industries.

38. We recommend that the funding review considers the adequacy of STM prices with respect to the new functions required by legislation as well as the current functions and activities expected of ITOs.


39. The ITF was pleased to see that the Tertiary Education Reform Bill includes amendments to empower TEC to conduct “applied policy and programme research, monitoring, and evaluation” and provide advice to the Minister on policy implications arising from such research. We also welcome the proposal to establish a National Centre for Vocational Education and Training Research.

40. We recommend the following topics and priorities for research:

 The relative return on investment from training, and the implications of this for policy;
 Models for enhancing collaboration between the tertiary education sector and industry and also international collaboration;
 The comparative effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches; and
 Processes to support Mäori/iwi development through ITOs.

Internationalisation of the NQF

41. ITOs and their respective industries are increasingly required to meet international standards in training. The ITF would like to see progress made towards internationalising the NQF.

42. To date, limited progress has been linking the New Zealand NQF to international frameworks, even where New Zealand has international agreements such as with Australia under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement. We recommend that priority be given to the establishment of a systems-to-systems arrangement with Australia. This would allow ITOs to use Australian standards, and vice versa, where appropriate to the advantage of New Zealand learners and industries.

Purchasing training from providers

43. The Labour-Alliance Government indicated that it would encourage polytechnics to be the main providers of vocational education and industry training. Related to this, the Minister asked ITOs to consider giving preference to public Tertiary Education Institutions when purchasing “off-job” training.
44. Many ITOs already have strong working relationships with polytechnics, and in some cases, ITOs have made an active effort to assist in rebuilding training capacity and capability within the polytechnic sector. However, the experience of some ITOs indicates that requiring ITOs to prefer polytechnics may have negative effects on the Industry Training Strategy, including:

(i) Higher costs, meaning ITOs either purchase less training or enterprises pay more;
(ii) Reduced responsiveness; and
(iii) Reduced participation by industry, as a result of (i) and (ii).

45. Some investment in infrastructure and a related refocusing of institutions is required before ITOs are able to meet industry training needs primarily through the public sector. Until such time as this has been achieved or an appropriate review of industry training funding has been undertaken, we recommend that ITOs retain the flexibility to purchase from providers that best meet the needs of enterprises.


46. The Industry Training Strategy has grown and matured rapidly in the ten years since its creation. With the confidence shown by Government over the past few years – expressed in terms of greater levels of funding and decisions to fully integrate workplace learning into the broader tertiary system – ITOs are well-positioned to meet the ambitious new goals set for the sector, and to help build the future.

47. There will be challenges and issues faced in meeting these new goals. The ITF and ITOs are, however, confident that these can be managed through open, constructive and honest dialogue with Government, agencies, and stakeholders.

48. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss further aspects of this brief. Please contact Darel Hall (04 499 8158 or if you require any further information.

Who we are

49. The ITF is the national body for ITOs, and was formed in 1995. The ITF currently has 42 members (out of a total of 46 ITOs), representing over 99% of training funded by Skill New Zealand. Only one of the ITOs that are not members of the ITF accesses Government funding. The ITF’s key objectives are to champion Industry Training by:

 Leading the development and implementation of policy that enhances the performance of industry training;
 Engaging in and disseminating research/evaluation that enhances efficiency, effectiveness and innovation;
 Promoting general awareness of industry training to provide the basis for individual ITOs’ communications; and
 Leading the development of good practice to support individual members.

50. In pursuing these objectives, the ITF acts in accordance with its core values of being:

 Representative and consultative;
 Research-informed and policy-led;
 Open and collaborative;
 Proactive and responsible; and
 Committed to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

51. The ITF has a number of well-established relationships with key government agencies and sector groups. Currently, we have formal relationships with Skill New Zealand, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), the Association of Polytechnics in New Zealand (APNZ), BusinessNZ, the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU), and the New Zealand Association of Private Education Providers (NZAPEP).

52. The ITF also has an informal arrangement with the Ministry of Education, and is working to establish formal relationships with the Transition Tertiary Education Commission and key Maori stakeholders.

Our people

53. The ITF is led by an elected Chair, and Board. The Chair for 2002 is Marilyn Brady. Marilyn Brady has been the CEO of the Electrotechnology Industry Training Organisation (ETITO) since 1997, and a member of the ITF Board since 1999. Marilyn became Chair of the Industry Training Federation this year.

54. The ITF also maintains a National Office in Wellington. New Executive Director Darel Hall manages two Project Managers, Carrie Murdoch and Belinda MacKenzie-Dodds.

55. The National Office is the primary contact point between the ITF and Ministers and politicians, agencies, stakeholders and the media. National Office also undertakes research, policy analysis, advocacy and lobbying and the development and dissemination of good practice resources on matters of interest to ITOs.
56. The National Office is situated at Level 2, Stewart Dawson Building, on the corner of Willis Street and Lambton Quay, in Wellington. National Office can be contacted:

Phone ++ 64 4 499-8155
Fax ++ 64 4 499-8156
Post PO Box 24-194, Wellington

Appendix Two: Sector Achievements

57. Since its inception in 1992, the Strategy has increased the range, depth and breadth of systematic workplace training in New Zealand. According to Skill New Zealand, 80% of New Zealand’s workforce has access to systematic workplace training through an ITO. There are ITOs across a diverse range of industries from the tourism industry to dairy manufacturing, from boat building to telecommunications, and from community support services to building and construction. .

58. Numbers in training have increased to 68,581 as at March 2002, compared with 16,711 in June 1992. Some 95,000 trainees participated in industry training over the course of 2001. This represents the highest number of people in training in almost a hundred years. The new Modern Apprenticeship scheme has also grown rapidly, with 2,648 in training at the end of March 2002.

59. As at 31 March 2002, ITO trainees represented about 16% of all learners registered with NZQA and received 23% of all qualifications awarded by NZQA.

60. 9,498 National Certificates were completed in 2001 (up 52% from 2000) and 1.9 million NQF credits were awarded. 18% of all NQF credits recorded to 31 March 2002 were awarded by ITOs.

61. Industry training makes a considerable contribution towards government’s strategic goals of supporting the economic and social development of Maori, and of developing an inclusive economy. Maori made up 17% of all trainees in 2001 (while Maori were 14.7% of the population ), Over 70% of Maori trainees were in programmes at NQF level 3 or above, and 41% of National Certificates completed by Maori were at NQF level 4.

62. It is worth noting that approximately 30% of trainees in 2001 had no previous qualifications, and for Maori and Pacific trainees, this figure was 42%. Also, 57% of trainees completing level 3 National Certificates, and 33% of trainees completing level 4 National Certificates had 5th form qualifications or less.

63. These social outcomes are being achieved alongside the realisation of business goals. 21,901 employers participated in industry training in 2001 and the value placed by enterprises on industry training is reflected in the steady increase in industry’s cash contribution to the cost of training.

Industry cash contribution to Industry Training, 1996-2001

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Industry cash contribution $14.7m $19.6m $24.7m $26.9m $27.9m $30.3m

Appendix Three: Members of the Industry Training Federation

Agriculture ITO
Kevin Bryant, CEO
P.O. Box 10-383
Ph (04) 801-9616 Fax (04) 801-9626
Email The New Zealand Ambulance Education Council
Mary Pecekajus, Executive Officer
P.O. Box 873
Ph (04) 499-1621 Fax (04) 499-7223
Email Apparel & Textile ITO
John Dorgan, CEO
P.O. Box 13210, Armagh
Ph (03) 377-8443 Fax (03) 377-6213
Aviation, Tourism & Travel TO
Gayle Sheridan, CEO
P.O. Box 6466, Te Aro
Ph (04) 499-6570 Fax (04) 499-6577
Boating ITO
Colin Sandford, Training Officer
P.O. Box 90448, Auckland Mail Centre
Ph 09 360 0056 Fax 09 360 0019
Free Phone 0800 600 242
Email Building & Construction ITO
Pieter Burghout, CEO
PO Box 1796
Ph (04) 381 6430 Fax (04) 381 6431
Building Service Contractors of NZ
Marja Verkerk, Manager
P.O. Box 31-067
Ph (04) 589-0126 Fax (04) 589-0252
Email Community Support Services ITO
Rebecca McCone, General Manager
PO Box 25-255
Ph (03) 371-9295 Fax (03) 371-9285
Email Competenz
John Broadhead, Chief Executive
P.O. Box 62-561, Central Park
Ph (09) 525-5400 Fax (09) 525-7737
(Trading Name for NZ Engineering, Food & Manufacturing ITO)
NZ Contracting ITO Limited
John Wills, Chief Executive
P.O. Box 2759
Ph (04) 499-9144 Fax (04) 499-9145
Free Phone 0800 486 626 (0800 ITOMAN)
Email Design & Construction Consultants ITO
Kari Miller, Executive Officer
P.O. Box 40 100
Ph (04) 528 8793 Fax (04) 529 8341
Electricity Supply ITO
Bob Howlett, Chief Executive
P.O. Box 1245
Ph (07) 834-3038 Fax (07) 834-8160
ElectroTechnology ITO
Marilyn Brady, Chief Executive
PO Box 24-469, Royal Oak
Ph (09) 525 2590 Fax (09) 525-2591
Email NZ Equine ITO
Dudley Brown, Chief Executive
4151 Johnson Street
Ph (06) 322-1679 Fax (06) 322-1679
Email NZ Extractive Industries Training Organisation
Tom Reece, Executive Director
PO Box 2623
Ph (03) 377-8473 Fax (03) 377-8479
Fire & Rescue Services ITO
Ashley Chisholm, National Manager
P.O. Box 11988
Ph (04) 801-9469 Fax (04) 801-9476
Email NZ Flooring ITO
Greg Durkin, CEO
PO Box 55
Ph (06) 326-8770 Fax (06) 326-8744
Email Forest Industries Training
John Blakey, CEO
P.O. Box 6216
Ph (07) 348-7250 Fax (07) 348-7350

NZ Furniture ITO
Alister Murray, Executive Director
P.O. Box 11-435
Ph (04) 801-5083 Fax (04) 385-8816
Email Gas & Petrochemical ITO
Michael Frampton, Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 8142
Ph (06) 759-1021 Fax (06) 759-0789
Email Hairdressing ITO
Lesley Hamilton, C.E.O
P.O. Box 11-764
(04) 499-1180 Fax (04) 499-3950
NZ Horticulture ITO
Mike Finlayson, Chief Executive
P.O. Box 8638, Riccarton
Ph (03) 348-1506 Fax (03) 348-1906
Email Hospitality Standards Institute
Ian Harding, Chief Executive
PO Box 9695, Marion Square
Ph (04) 385-9563 Fax (04) 385-9561
Email Joinery ITO
Eva Thomas, Director
P.O. Box 11-435
Ph (04) 385-8814 Fax (04) 385-8816
NZ Journalists’ Training Organisation
Bill Southworth, Executive Director
P.O. Box 1066
Ph (04) 499-2154 Fax (04) 499-1151
Email Leather ITO
Tony Passman, Director
Private Bag 11-333
Ph (06) 355-9028 Fax (06) 354-1185
Email Local Government ITO
Kevin Wafer, General Manager
P.O. Box 1214
Ph (04) 470-0018 Fax (04) 471-1522
NZ Painting Contractors Association
Of Employers ITO
Don Fraser, Executive Director
P.O. Box 15-190, Miramar
Ph (04) 388-2539 Fax (04) 388-2539
Email NZ Motor ITO Inc
Janet Lane, Chief Executive
P.O. Box 10803
Ph (04) 494-0005 Fax (04) 494-0006
Email The New Zealand Industry Training Organisation
Carl Ammon, General Manager
P.O. Box 488
Ph (07) 839-7370 Fax (07) 839-7606
(formerly NZ Dairy ITO)
Master Plumbers & Gasfitters ITO
Mark Pickering, General Manager
P.O. Box 6606
Ph (04) 384-4184 Fax (04) 384-2456
Email Pharmacy ITO
Claire Paget-Hay (Liaison for ITO)
PO Box 11-640
Ph (04) 802-0030 Fax (04) 382-9297
Email Plastics Industry Training
Clive Johnston, General Manager
P.O. Box 76-378, Manukau City
Ph (09) 262-3773 Fax (09) 262-3850
Public Sector Training Organisation
Jay Lamburn, Executive Director
PO Box 329
Ph (04) 472-5757 Fax (04) 495-6727
Email Printing & Allied Industries Training Council
Joan Grace, CEO
P.O. Box 31 131
Ph (04) 569-2804 Fax (04) 5692108
Email Retail ITO
Chris Malpas, CEO
PO Box 12-144
Ph (04) 499-3078 Fax (04) 499-3079
Free Phone 0800 486 738 (ITORETAIL)
Retail Meat ITO
Stephen MacAuley, Executive Director
P.O. Box 12-126
Ph (04) 472-0807 Fax (04) 472-0804
Email NZ Road Transport & Logistics ITO
Graeme Talbot, General Manager
P.O. Box 1778
Ph (04) 499-3369 Fax (04) 499-5317
Email Seafood ITO
Barbara Johnsen, General Manager
P.O. Box 24-901
Ph (04) 385-4005 Fax (04) 385-2727
Sport, Fitness & Recreation ITO
Judy Smith, Chief Executive
P.O. Box 2183
Ph (04) 385-9047 Fax (04) 385-7024
Email NZ Sports Turf ITO
Martyn Baker, CEO
P.O. Box 347
Ph (06) 354-0602 Fax (06) 354-0081
Website Te Kaiawhina Ahumahi
(The ITO for the Social Services)
Jeff Thomas, Director
P.O. Box 2637
Ph (04) 473-1922 Fax (04) 473-1923
Free Phone 0800 558 558

Appendix Four: Members of the 2002 Industry Training Federation Board

The ITF has an elected Board, made up of Chair Marilyn Brady, a Deputy Chair, three Chief Executive Officers of member ITOs, three Board members from member ITOs, and up to 2 other members who may be co-opted.

Marilyn Brady (Chair)
Chief Executive, Electrotechnology ITO Warwick Bell (Deputy Chair)
Deputy Chair, Design & Construction Consultants ITO

Darrin Apanui
Board Member, Seafood ITO Kevin Bryant
Chief Executive Officer, Agriculture ITO

Joan Grace
Chief Executive Officer, Printing and Allied Industries Training Council Bob Howlett
Chief Executive, Electricity Supply ITO

Steve Hurring
Board Member, Motor ITO Derek Swarbrick
Board Member, COMPETENZ,

Darel Hall
ITF Executive Director
(and Secretary)

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