Vital importance of protecting academic freedom
TEU reiterates vital importance of protecting academic freedom
The Tertiary Education Union Te Hautū Kahurangi o Aotearoa (TEU) has reiterated the vital importance of protecting academic freedom and the right of academics to conduct research and disseminate and publish the results.
TEU Deputy Secretary Nanette Cormack said: “It is vitally important to protect academic freedom and the right of academics to conduct research and disseminate and publish the results.”
Professor Jack Heinemann, co-chair of the national Academic Freedom Aotearoa group and w inner of the TEU Award of Excellence in the area of Academic Freedom in 2014, said:
“Parliament was clear in its support of academic freedom stating in the Education Amendment Act (1990) that it should not be taken for granted, but continually enhanced.”
The TEU broadly supports the principles of academic freedom contained in the UNESCO statement “ Recommendation concerning the status of higher education teaching personnel – November 1997 ” and the New Zealand Education Amendment Act 1990, No.80, Part 14 , which enshrines in law the freedom of academic staff and students to engage in research within the constraints of current law.
The TEU also supports Section 162, (4) (a) (v) of the Education Act, which states that a defining characteristic of our universities is that they accept a role as critic and conscience of society.
Note for editors
1. The TEU represents about ten thousand academics and staff in the tertiary education sector.
2. The TEU’s academic freedom policy is available online at: