Innovation managers wanted for NZ Health Innovation Hub
22 August 2012
Innovation managers wanted for NZ Health Innovation Hub
The New Zealand Health Innovation Hub is looking for two Innovation Managers based in Auckland and Christchurch to be part of this exciting and ground-breaking organisation.
“The Hub has been created to bring together the substance of the public health system and the entrepreneurial spirit of innovators and industry so we can fast-track new health technologies and service innovations,” said Dr Murray Horn, chairman of New Zealand Health Innovation Hub.
Innovation Managers will be frontline relationship managers working alongside and within the Health Innovation Hub’s four partner district health boards - Auckland, Canterbury, Counties Manukau and Waitemata.
“As the Hub's first point of contact for the DHB clinicians and staff, the Innovation Managers play a key role in creating both health and economic benefits, and will also work with industry clients on collaborative projects,” said Dr Horn.
Key abilities for the applicants of the Innovation Managers role include an interest in health, commercial awareness, project leadership skills and an ability to build relationships, Dr Horn said.
An Auckland-based Operations Manager has recently been appointed and a Project Co-ordinator role is currently being advertised.
The New Zealand Health Innovation Hub is a mobile virtual organisation based on a partnership between the four biggest district health boards in New Zealand and financial backing from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Auckland Tourism and Events Economic Development organisation and the Canterbury Development Corporation.
Further information about the New Zealand Health Innovation Hub can be found at
For more information about the Innovation Managers roles visit,040162.html