Plan for a Smokefree & Stress Free Family Christmas
Christmas is Coming And It’s Time to Plan for a Smokefree, Stress Free Family Christmas
Families will be starting to think about planning for Christmas and this is a traditional time of stress for some families, this is an excellent time to quit smoking this month, an Average household spends around $140.00 per week and by starting today you could save over $980 towards a Smokefree, stress free family Christmas day by just saving the money you spend on smoking.
What can you get for Christmas day for a Couple with three children for $980.00
Most families could spend up to $400 on food and presents for the day, with the balance that could be used towards weekly groceries or taking the family out to enjoy the Wellington Summer.
We can help you achieve a Smokefree, Stress Free Family Christmas by calling us anytime on our 24 hour free face to face stop smoking service, we are open over the Christmas holidays and we will help you on your journey to enjoy this festive season.
Use these tips to help you manage holiday Smokefree, Stress free family Christmas
1) Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Drink Plenty of Water, Not only is water a great craving-buster, it's an essential ingredient in a healthy diet. Keep yourself well-hydrated and you'll feel better in general, which will in turn help you manage holiday stress more easily.
Enjoy holiday treats, but be sure to give your body the fuel it needs to function properly. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, and complex carbohydrates will help keep you at your best, both physically and mentally. You’ll come back refreshed and relaxed. If the weather is bad, use the treadmill or take a walk at an indoor mall.
2) Don't Strive for Perfection
We are often our own worst critics. You're working hard to quit smoking, so give yourself permission to loosen your expectations a little for this holiday season. In other words, don't try to do it all. Think instead in terms of what is good enough rather than stressing over every detail.
3) Minimise and Simplify
It's so easy to take too much on this time of year. Make a list of things you'd like to accomplish and prioritize them. Decide what things must be done, and what things could be let go if need be. Sometimes less is more!
4) Avoid Financial Stress
Don't threaten your Smokefree Christmas with worries about money. Make a holiday budget and stick to it.
5) Remember Why You Quit Smoking
Don't lose sight of the bigger picture during the holiday season. The reasons you quit smoking are as valid today as they were the day you quit. Take five minutes and refresh your memory by reading your list of reasons.
6) Practice Makes Perfect
Smoking cessation is a process of gradual release over time. The associations we've built up between smoking and the activities in our lives over the years must be changed, one by one. And the only way to do that is by simply living life, day in and day out, smoke-free. Navigating the holidays minus the cigarettes is a necessary part of the journey.
While this first smoke-free holiday season may feel uncomfortable or downright difficult at times, you're working to cement new habits in place. Keep your focus and meet the challenges that come along with confidence.
For support to help you
have a Smokefree stress free family Christmas call our free
stop smoking service 0800 926 257